Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hello everyone!

This blog is about a big dilemma which we currently have with the corporation. Recently, Total Damnation has disbanded. Some people of TD, including the leadership, have formed a new alliance.

Several of our members want to join the newly formed alliance, but there are also people who prefer a different plan. This situation called for a meeting, and a vote. This is currently underway. Currently, it seems to head towards the plan of joining a different alliance. My role, as CEO, is to provide enough opportunities and options for the people in the corporation. They will be allowed to pick one of these options. I will then put the most preferred plan into action.

There also seems a general opinion that the corporation should grow member-wise. This is something that can be accomplished fairly easily. If the opinion doesn't change much in the next 2 days, I'm gonna put that into action.

All in all, it will be some intresting times the coming weeks. What direction will the corp take? What will our future be like? What risks do we run? What can we win? Those are all questions going through my head.

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